
Ten Random Things I Like

I am posting this entry from an off-site location, and by off-site, I mean not home. I also am without my laptop, so the glorious app my phone has is allowing me to submit my post. Today's post will be a simple one, even though I didn't get to contribute yesterday. I was driving for a while, then I was too tired...get over it.

This is nothing more than a list of ten random things I really enjoy. It could be objects, events, people...literally random. And here we go (in no particular order)...

   1) When I have a bad day at work, I get in my car, and turn my iPod on with thousands of songs to shuffle through...when it randomly lands on that one song that can turn your day around. Always an epic moment.

   2) If I'm driving along and some maniac blows my doors in to get ahead of me...only to be right alongside me a mile or so later at a red light.

   3) The feel of a woman's fingers gently gliding all around my back. A back rub/massage doesn't even closely compare.

   4) Having nothing else planned/no errands to run/nowhere else to be on a Sunday than lounging and watching football.

   5) Delicious beverages: sweet tea, coffee, beer. The trifecta. Not all at once. That would be gross.

   6) Making people laugh, even if it's at my own expense. For those who work with me, that is no rare occurrence.

   7) Sleep. Something most of us can never get enough of, myself included.

   8) Watching movies, new and old, great or crappy. The crappy ones are good for a laugh, especially when they're not meant to be funny.

   9) Cooking/baking. Yea, that's right. Besides...I love eating too, so I can't lose.

   10) Writing about my twisted, warped, random thoughts and observations and sharing them with anyone willing to read it. You know you like it, too.

As I said, today is a simple one. I'll get back to my usual self when I'm home. Booyah.


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