
Magnificent Music Videos

For a long time, my taste in music centered strictly around rock and metal; usually it was the heavier, the better. Over the years, the head-banging hasn't entirely lost its appeal to me, but I've found many artists outside of that genre that are not only tolerable, but downright exceptional. There are still some that have simply relied on releasing trendy garbage, and because there are people that see that as good enough, those artists have attained success with their sub-par tunes. It's the ones that can make it catchy and still preserve their originality that I can really appreciate. There are artists that can even produce music that is somewhat out of their element, yet it works. When they can pair a quality song with a video that is just as good and fits well with the sound and/or message, well that just makes it so much more appealing. I am posting a few of the ones that I particularly enjoy, due to their creativity, wit, show of gratitude and original concepts. I won't carry on with long descriptions of each video, only because they mostly speak for themselves.

The Black Keys - Next Girl

Most men will have a tough time focusing on the words scrolling along the bottom throughout the video, but it's a genius marketing ploy. Here are the factors:
  • Gorgeous women in bikinis
  • Funny video and message combined
  • Shameless self-promotion
Pretty much a trifecta when you're trying to sell records. The song isn't necessarily their best work, but it's not their worst either. Men...you may need to watch it a second time. Like I said, there was a scrolling message.

Shadows Fall - Another Hero Lost

Shadows Fall is a rather intense, talented metal band. Much of their music is centered on extreme technicality, great rhythm and intimidating speed. That's why this song is a great way of off-setting the norm. They wrote this song as a tribute to the lead singer's cousin, a U.S. soldier who died in Iraq. When they announced a video would be made, they invited anyone who lost a loved one that was a military veteran to submit a picture and a story, and from there several were chosen to be part of the video. That's much more humble and heartfelt than you'd expect from these guys, so enjoy.

Blink 182 - All The Small Things

This video is one of the best of its kind. The kind that simply pokes fun at some group of individuals because they can. They released this one right in the middle of the 'Boy Band Era', so to speak. All those fruity three, four and five guy singing groups were mocked for their cheesy videos and lack of talent outside of having a decent singing voice. My personal favorite is at about the 1:20 mark.

Weezer - Buddy Holly

Easily one of my favorite videos ever. Any fan of Happy Days can find this one entertaining, regardless of whether you like the song or not. They were able to superimpose themselves into a scene of this classic show where they are performing live at Arnold's Drive-In, and it looks unquestionably genuine due to the incredible detail in editing. Classic cameos by all of the Happy Days gang, and they didn't even need to make an appearance for the video.

Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice

On some movie's soundtrack or background music for some random scene, you've heard this song before. I'm impartial as to whether I like it or not, but there is no denying what makes this video absolutely amazing. Christopher Walken. How can you hate the guy? That's right...you can't. You may not be aware that he is a trained Broadway dancer. If you haven't seen this before, you're in for a treat.

OK Go - Here It Goes Again

This one is made all the more incredible when you consider that this entire video is done in one take. There is no pause, no clipping of separate attempts, this is just pure timing and choreographic genius. The song is pretty catchy as well, so that doesn't hurt at all. There's not much more to say, so please click play (I just rhymed...booyah).

I may find more to share at some point. I think six videos will do for today. Football is on, so bye-bye for now.


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