
Taking A Stance On Politics

A coworker/friend suggested I make a post on politics. I told him that I don't involve myself with political issues enough to claim any sort of affiliation or position. Then I said that because of that fact, I'd find it difficult to fill an entire post about politics and still pose like I'm involved. I'm not saying I don't care about the issues, I just feel indifferent to the candidates' positions. That's when I thought to myself that maybe I can present my views in a post. The only difference is I won't necessarily be describing my stance on each issue, but rather a general outlook of them when it comes to others' decisions.

The elephant is a better student. This is made evident by having more stars.

Taxes are something of an important all-around concern. To say that taxes are unnecessary would be completely ignorant. That money goes to social security, military funding, highway funding and many other things that we take for granted. Sometimes it may not feel as though your tax dollars are being put to good use, but honestly, that money is spread out so much that you wouldn't even realize that something outside of your scope is being improved. So when they have these ridiculous slanderous commercials about how one guy is looking to raise taxes for the middle class and lower it for the wealthy, yet the candidate making these accusations has made a mess of the nation's financial standing/debt, it seems rather hypocritical to me. The president, senate, congress and anyone else in that line of work are surely not concerned about the taxes you are all paying, because they are the beneficiaries of already substantial salaries and don't even remember what being in the middle class is like. This is why I can't pick a side on the tax issue. Of course I don't want my taxes to go up, but when the officials are elected, they don't always follow the policy they said they'd enact. I don't trust them with my vote of confidence, nor do I believe I should.

...bitches. Uncle Sam doesn't want to have to pimp-slap you, so pay up.

How about our military? Our presence in other countries has always been a debate and will always remain one. As we all know, they serve as our protectors; our nation's 'bodyguards', if you will. Often times it's not immediately crystal clear why their personnel are in any certain country for extended periods of time, but other times it is known, understood and accepted by nearly all. Sometimes there are reasons beyond our comprehension and that it's better off not knowing. I have to ask though: isn't the fact that they are keeping us safe and fighting for our freedom enough reason? These people put their lives on the line for the hundreds of millions of Americans, most of whom each individual doesn't even know personally. Thousands of soldiers are fighting the good fight so that I don't have to. Unless the reasons are purely unethical and unwarranted, no matter who the president is, I will support their decision to keep our country safe and strong.

Well put.

I'll only bring up one more topic tonight, and I saved it for last because it's the one debate I will never enter. That would be the idea of abortion. Right to life...right to choose. Let me clear this one up, and I'll start off with a statistic. Between senate and congress, the ratio of men to women is 445 to 93. In my opinion, only 93 of those people are even qualified to have a position in that debate. That's right, I don't take a side because I honestly believe I don't possess the right to choose. Why? I can't give birth. I don't have that capability, so who am I to say what a woman should or should not do with her body? Women are the ones that ultimately decide whether they will go through with the pregnancy or not. Sure, there is sometimes some consideration taken when the father is present and wants some say, but what gives these 445 men in office any right to decide what some woman in Virginia wants to do about her pregnancy? When one of them spends nine months with a constantly growing stomach, carrying all the extra weight around, only to push a seven pound baby out, then I'd say they have that right. Until then, they should all take a seat while the women stand up and cast their votes. If someone wants to claim their religious beliefs determines their position, well then I'm sorry to say you are of weaker mind than you may even realize. It has nothing to do with religion, it's up to understanding the reasons at hand and basing their choice on the facts alone. So ladies, I leave it up to you. Your body, your call.

You look like a credible source. If by credible source, you mean worthless hobo, then yes.

As for whether I'm going to vote or not, I haven't decided still. Luckily there's time, and I am registered. If I feel compelled to lean heavily toward one side, perhaps I will. Otherwise, my lack of knowledge on most of the campaigns is what would cause me to abstain. It's not out of lack of interest or just simply not caring, it's that I don't know if I can make a fair judgment with such little to go by. Obama...Romney...I guess we'll just have to wait and see. If I don't vote this year, well...here's to looking forward to 2016. The candidate I'll be watching for and their campaign slogan:

Joe Pesci '16
You Muddafucka You!!!

Al Qaeda wouldn't stand a chance.


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