
There's one A-Hole everybody loves...

His name is Joe Pesci.

This is not Joe Pesci. This is an A-Hole that nobody loves.

There he is.

I had to throw that in there, sorry. I mean look at him...Carrot Top, that is. He's a terrible actor that fell off the face of the planet, and maybe in some way he felt that by taking steroids and showing he can lift weights and stuff, he might have thought everyone would have forgotten his failure of a past. 'Chairman of the Board'...really bro?

I digress...

Joe Pesci. This guy's most memorable roles are those in which he was cast as a complete schmuck. He curses at everybody, always raises his voice, and doesn't take an ounce of crap from anyone. He's no stranger to violently getting his point across either. Standing at 5'4", he could very well be the most intimidating short guy you could ever meet. I'm sure he's not usually like that in real life, but it's fair to assume that actors take some real life attributes and introduce them into their characters. With that in mind, this blogger would never cross Mr. Pesci. Take some of his roles as examples:

  • Goodfellas - Tommy Devito, a womanizing mobster who shows his first real signs of bitterness, belligerence, and badass. He solidified his capability of shedding that short-guy image and going full-blown Napoleon Complex.
  • Home Alone - Harry, a professional burglar who chose a complete dumbass as his accomplice, whose attempts were thwarted by a prepubescent pestilent pyromaniac. Movie: B-...Pesci temper: A+
  • My Cousin Vinny - Vincent Gambini, a sarcastic, outspoken liar/lawyer (depending on your pronunciation/interpretation, they're one in the same) who bails his Karate Kid cousin out of a case of mistaken identity on a murder charge. His sexy costar Marisa Tomei might have entirely stolen the show, but this incredible film is not without it's unforgettable Pesci moments.
  • Casino - a mobster with a short temper and a penchant for starting fights. His greatest display of brute dominance. He gets his in the end, but it's not to say it was undeserved.
There are some other gems mixed in there, like the Lethal Weapon movies he was in where he was pretty much a likable idiot or Eight Heads in a Duffel Bag, somewhat of a satire on a serial killer, that he didn't really portray the A-Hole we have come to know and love.

Which brings me to the overall point: he's best recognized as a total prick...but you love him. His ability to entertain and make you laugh at his antics clearly outweighs the fact that he is abusive, obnoxious, willing to hurt a child, and crazy enough to defend Ralph Macchio for any reason. You love him because he makes you laugh more than he makes you cringe. You are anxious to see his next film where he bashes someone's skull in, berates someone to the point of tears, and still has time to make sweet love to some fine ladies. I'd be hard-pressed to find another actor that can be labeled an A-Hole, yet have such a following.

Moral of the story: Carrot Top is a bitch. Wait...I mean...no, that's right.


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