
Jon Huntsman, Sr.

Jon Huntsman, Sr.

For those who are politically knowledgeable, this is not about Jon Huntsman, Jr., the governor of Utah. His father, Jon Huntsman, Sr., is a man that has intrigued me since the day I heard about him. Every single one of us has been affected by this man, yet most of you don't even know it. You use products that he created every day, and you wouldn't think twice about it. Such simple things that make you think how crazy it is that someone makes millions of dollars from a little invention, and also make you question what other easy things haven't been thought up yet. Here's some of what he's come up with:
  • The first plastic egg carton
  • The "clam shell" box they use for Big Macs
  • Plastic plates/bowls
  • Other fast food containers
All of these ideas are either still in use, or at the very least improved upon over the years. Can you imagine being that person? Think about it. This man is making royalties off of products that will never cease to exist. Even if someone comes up with something even more proficient, cost effective and environmentally sound, the original design will not be just tossed away. Unless somebody develops the product that renders his products obsolete from now until his death, it wouldn't matter anyway. The guy's net worth is over $900 million. That's right...read it again if you must. That's not even the part that blows me away.

It was that easy.

What really makes it all the more incredible is his generosity. This man is arguably the biggest philanthropist in the world today. Just in case you need clarification, philanthropist is a fancy euphemism for a very charitable person. How charitable, you may ask?
"Huntsman is widely recognized for his humanitarian giving which, including contributions to the homeless, the ill and the under-privileged, exceeds $1.2 billion and has assisted thousands, both domestically and internationally." See more.
So he has given away $300 million more than his current net worth. Most of his contributions are not just one-and-done donations either. If you read through the extremely brief section I just linked you to, you'll be taken back by the things they only mention in passing. When a natural disaster strikes, it is believed that through this man's resources and funding, he is able to provide disaster relief faster than FEMA. Also, in situations like tsunami relief efforts, he has put forth the effort to make a long-term solution for such tragedies, so that there is a much shorter waiting period when people need the help the most.

There's one thing that stands out from all of the rest of his charity offerings throughout his life. To me at least. The Huntsman Cancer Institution is tucked away in the mountains of Utah within the campus of the University of Utah.
"Huntsman Cancer Institute was founded with a pledge of $100 million of personal wealth from Jon Huntsman, Sr., a philanthropist and businessman. To date, Huntsman has donated more than $250 million dollars of his own money since Huntsman Cancer Institute was established." See more.
$350 million alone has gone to this selfless cause, and I'm certain that won't be where it ends. The money goes toward cancer research, as well as the financial assistance for those in need. The facility includes a research building that is connected to a 50-bed cancer hospital. The hospital rooms themselves are designed more like hotel rooms than the average ones, so that the patient is more comfortable and at ease with his/her surroundings. There are accommodations made to enable families to be close to their loved ones when they are being treated in this hospital. I could go on and on about every little detail, but it's worth taking the time to read into it on your own. You may appreciate it more coming from more reliable sources than a blogger. So here you go.

The Huntsman Cancer Institute.

As a small tribute to Mr. Huntsman, and with no personal gain of my own, I will invite any of my readers to participate in this great cause. Here's how. I know that when I can afford to help a cause, this will be at the top of my list. I'll leave you with one last link, because the quote listed shows you how truly dedicated he is to charity. The final words in the article speak volumes...
"He has said that he wants to 'die broke' by giving his money away to various charities."

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