
The League

There's one show on t.v. that has absolutely everything a man could want from a half-hour-a-week escape from the norm. It combines football, gorgeous women, camaraderie and belittling your fellow man, all in the interest of priceless comedy. If you know me personally and haven't seen it already, I will gladly lend you seasons one and two on DVD to introduce you to this perfect display of genius witticism. 'The League' is without a doubt the best thing streaming on a hi-def t.v.

No caption needed.

The concept is rather simple. It's five guys and one of their wives from Chicago that are in a very intensely competitive fantasy football league. Deep down, they are all friends, but on the surface they are the most brutal, merciless clan of trash-talkers that will do anything to humiliate each other, even on the most personal level, in public or private, with no filter or hesitation. If you really break it down, it's fair to say that the majority of the show has little to do with football at all. It is the tie that binds them as far as the show's plot is concerned, but the show centers around the extremes of degradation that they put each other through. How can you go wrong with that?

There's far too much to describe about each character, but it's all summed up here. This link will make my post considerably shorter, but I don't mind...the last few have calloused my fingers a bit. Not really, my fingers are fine. Thank you for that brief moment of concern, though. I will warn those with virgin ears: their insults and shaming of one another get very graphic. Vulgarity is a mainstay in each episode, so be prepared to hear some foul, crude language. Here's a little sampling of what you are in for:

From the DVD extras. Andre's fashion.

This one is particularly vulgar. Ruxin trash talking.

I'm going to leave you with those to start off with. The only way you will find out about Mr. McGibblets, vinegar strokes, the ghost monkey, having a gutter palate, and Eskimo brothers is by sitting and watching this televised masterpiece. You could be lame and google all of the aforementioned terms and phrases, but what fun is that? Take my advice...watch the show. You'll thank me for it.


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