
Dave Mustaine, please shut up...

Left to Right: Pitcher of Delicious Beer, Dave Mustaine, James Hetfield.
Perfect photo for reasons to be mentioned soon. Read up, kids!

Those of you who enjoy listening to good rock music know who this guy is. For those of you who don't, Dave Mustaine is the lead guitarist and lead vocalist for the band Megadeth (not misspelled, just fyi). He made the news a couple of weeks ago in typical fashion, and I felt the urge to write an entry about it then, but other random ramblings took a higher priority at the time. As I was coming home from work, their creative take on schizophrenia in 'Sweating Bullets' came up on my iPod. That was my reminder that I had not yet presented this schmuck's story.

First, a little bit of a background on this guy. Dave was the original lead guitarist and co-songwriter in a little band you may have heard of called Metallica. For about three years, he lived the true life of a rock star (which of course meant booze and broads, and plenty of both...forgive the terminology, it just flows well) with his bandmates, except he seemed to take it to the next level. He was warned, and then eventually kicked out of the band for his extreme alcoholism. Think about that for a minute. '80s rock stars thrived off debauchery. So then how much of a drunk do you have to be to be ejected by a rock band like that? These guys must have had alcohol tolerances that would put the likes of Charlie Sheen and Christian Slater to shame. Yet this guy acted out enough to where the band would say, "Dude, you're out of control...get out. Seriously, you're killing our buzz." Mustaine resented them for their decision, and held that grudge for a long time. He made accusations (which may not be entirely false) that Metallica used songs that he wrote to help themselves gain popularity. He has been criticized on several occasions for opening his big mouth and saying something truly absurd. I won't even mention some of them, but rather link you to them. Just read through 'Christianity' and 'Politics' for now, just for a small taste. To sum it up, this guy got himself in trouble for being an alcoholic and running his mouth, two things that make a terrible combination. This is pretty relevant to the story, so remember that.

Here, Dave explains how much of a jackass he is.
What you don't see is the crowd nodding in acknowledgement.

What this man said pretty recently made my jaw drop. By now, my readers should know it takes quite a bit to bring shock and awe to yours truly. In the wake of the mass shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin, Mustaine was on tour with the band in Singapore when his mouth got him in trouble again. Here it is:
"Back in my country, my president [...] is trying to pass a gun ban so he's staging all of these murders. The 'Fast and Furious' thing down at the border. And Aurora, Colorado, all the people that were killed there. And now, the beautiful people at the Sikh temple. I don't know where I'm going to live if America keeps going the way it's going because it looks like it's turning into Nazi America."
The pause after 'my president' was the moment he put a finger down his throat and pretended to vomit. Alright, so he's clearly established that he does not want Barack Obama as our president. Got it. It's obvious now that he has officially lost his mind, though. I, for one, am not Obama's biggest fan either. I know many people that would agree with me on that. But Dave...are you f'n serious?! You really believe that the president schemed to have a bunch of innocent American civilians and military personnel killed in these vicious attacks so that he could pass some gun ban? Even Charlton Heston and Ted Nugent must think you're being a lunatic, and that's saying a lot. It's a simple fact that no gun ban will pass anytime soon, nor should it. Far too many people own and support guns for a ban to even be considered. A few instances in which some unstable individuals caused great harm to many people are still not going to make that happen any sooner.

As you can see, Ted Nugent is nuttier than a squirrel turd,
yet Mr. Mustaine has proven to be the victor in the 'Crazy Race'.

This is the same guy that used to complain that he was wrongfully kicked out of the band, and because of that, fans of Metallica hated him. Dave, have you ever thought to yourself that maybe they hate you because of your questionable (at best) morals, character and life decisions, instead of a band saying they've had enough of your shit? I was considerate enough to look past all of that, just so I could enjoy the music you made without having to worry about the crap that comes out of your mouth. Now every time I hear one of Megadeth's songs play, I have to debate whether I actually want to listen or not. Most times, I don't change it because the rest of the band shouldn't suffer the same fate of me skipping the music they created. Can you just do the world a huge favor? If not the world, please just do it for America. Shut the hell up! I assure you that you are the only one that wants to hear what you have to say about the government. Your claims are completely unfounded and nobody agrees with you. My mom and step-dad would probably rather have a handicapped sloth in office than Obama, yet I know they'd rather hear from him than your dumb ass.

Sloth 2012. Change is coming...slowly.

So the next time, you get devise this plan in your head to act like you know a damn thing about our government, and furthermore think that anyone gives a crap, take Les Grossman's advice on this one:

Skip to the 1:38 mark for his advice.You tell him, Les.

The irony that Mustaine was in Asia when he said it makes it that much more priceless. Listen Dave...don't speak.


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