
Deep lyrics I'd like to share...

They're not my own lyrics. If I had that talent or instinct to drum up original lyrics on a consistent basis, I wouldn't be working an hourly wage for a huge corporation. I'd be making bills like congress (<-- that one is mine). These excerpts are particularly interesting to me, and with each, I'll sort of delve into them. Also, I am well aware that most artists have their own interpretation (I mean he'll...they wrote it!), but an outside view never hurts to be considered. I'll finish up with my favorite, but for now I'll start with some grunge.
"You say that money isn't everything, but I'd like to see you live without it...you think you can keep on living like a king, ohh babe but I strongly doubt it." Silverchair - Tomorrow
These words somewhat speak for themselves. I don't think they're simply saying 'be thrifty'. I'm sure in the entertainment industry, they see more unnecessary spending from their peers than anyone else normally would. Think of how many celebrities out there that make a tremendous fortune, yet somehow manage to piss it all away. This can easily be taken as a message to these wealthy individuals to be smart with their money. If not directed at the social elite, it can be concluded that they are just reminding people in general not to take what they have for granted. Some people just want to stand out in the crowd, so to speak, and proving your worth financially is the route some people choose. Maybe the members of the band fell on hard times at some point. It could be based on experience that they choose to share these words of wisdom, or maybe they've seen someone close to them make some bad decisions. The message is true, though: money isn't everything. We've all heard that before, but the fact is people should not allow money or possessions to run their lives. It certainly helps make things much easier, but the intangibles in life are more important: love, friendship and a clean lifestyle take precedence.

"Don't it make you feel bad when you're tryin' to find your way home...you don't know which way to go?" Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks
How often have you felt like this? Aside from the literal sense where you actually get lost driving home from someplace unfamiliar, I know I have felt as though I am without direction in my life. Is this the right job for me? Should I take a big leap and move to a destination unknown? When I'm at a restaurant, do I want sweet tea or coke?!?! These are all big decisions. The answer isn't always so cut and dry. There will always be some gray areas in life's journey, and it's up to you to make the choice, however positive or negative it may be. How do I move on from the death of a close loved one? What if things that seemed so simple at first don't exactly work out as planned? These men are pointing out that you're not alone. Everyone goes through tough moments in life. Even the most wealthy, privileged people deal with the unexpected. It's not what you go through, it's how you press on.

Now for my favorite, which borders on the same concept as Led Zeppelin's tune...
"Why do they observe me? There's nothing here to cure. I can see the silhouettes that sit behind the mirror. I'm just like a clock upon the wall...always moving, but never going anywhere." Mudvayne - The Patient Mental
For a metal band that can be vocally intimidating, these are pretty profound words. These lines have settled permanently in my brain, burned into the retina of my mind's eye. Once again, this is similar to When The Levee Breaks, but it references other peoples' perspectives. I can relate to the feeling that, no matter how hard I work, how much I do to improve myself, it doesn't seem to amount to anything. People see what they want to see sometimes, including their own idea of what's going on in another person's life. That gives them no right to judge, which I take as the bigger overall point. I personally withhold my two cents when it comes to someone else's situation. I have my own issues to deal with. As for those issues, it's up to me, myself and I to go somewhere, so to speak.

This is just a small sampling of lyrics I have in mind. Stay tuned for more in the near future.


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