
It's just a persona...

We all know who he is. We all know his image, his music, and with those two combined, we are familiar with his cult following. There are many misconceptions about Brian Hugh Warner, more commonly known as Marilyn Manson. One could argue that his on-stage antics and performance art suggest he is the antichrist, a devil worshipper, and a terrible role model for our youth. 

I'm here to tell you there is a lot more to this man than meets the eye. I don't care for most of his music, so this is not necessarily a biased opinion. I am drawing my conclusions from interviews and press releases that come directly from the source. Do I agree with everything he says? No. Is he a more intellectual, perceptive and genuine person than most people give him credit for? Absolutely. Even if I don't change your mind about him, I hope you can at least respect the man a little more than you did before.

In the wake of the mass shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado, it was apparently crucial for the media at the time to have a pop-culture figure of questionable morals to be a scapegoat for the events that took place. They needed to prove to the American public that one person is at fault for influencing two teens to commit these heinous murders, simply because America views him as a cancer in our society. I believe the following document is well-informed and well-spoken, not exactly what you'd expect from this man. Exhibit A

The next one is a video, an excerpt from 'Bowling For Columbine', a documentary made by that overweight jackass Michael Moore. I am not a fan of how he goes about obtaining his information, even if what he finds out is rather intriguing. Moore explains that this interview is conducted before a concert and...well, I'll just let you take it from here. Exhibit B -

Bill O'Reilly from Fox News had Manson on his show for an exclusive interview. This is especially interesting because of O'Reilly's skepticism of the singer from the get-go. Without further ado, Exhibit C -

I'll leave you with one more to consider. Henry Rollins, most famous for headlining the band Black Flag from the early to mid-eighties, talks to Marilyn Manson in a much more recent interview. Exhibit D -

I don't expect anyone/everyone to simply change their mind about this man. I just hope you can understand him better as a person. No matter the media perception, everyone deserves to be understood.


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