
Watch This Video

Today has been a rough week at work, to say the very least. It has been physically, mentally and emotionally draining and exhausting, and I still have one more day to go before I can enjoy my weekend. My boss is more lost than a blind man in a square-mile maze, and his incompetence is becoming more and more evident each day we work. I have been coming home each day needing to simply sit on the couch, turn the tv on and calm my nerves. Sounds simple, but when it feels like your everyday aggravations are attacking your very last nerve, sometimes relaxing is a tough task in itself.

Part of what helps me relax is having a beer. I don't always have a beer, but it never hurts to finish off the day with a nice Bud Heavy (because Bud Light just doesn't cover it). The other part is searching for things to write about if I haven't already found my inspiration for the day. I've already gone into great detail about the many sources of stories I find, so that's not a crucial element to today's post. After a day like today, I needed something phenomenal to grab my attention.

I found it. It absolutely turned my day around. Needless to say, I'm still exhausted, so it would take a whole lot more to rejuvenate me physically, but that's okay...there's always sleep. I've had rough days, weeks, months...whatever. Some could say I've had a tough life, but that's all up to perspective. Nobody needed to point out this one fact to me, though; I figured it out all on my own: somewhere out there, someone has it much worse off than you. It could be poor health, poor circumstance or some other form of an inconvenience that is bringing a person down much further than you. So without further ado, I'd like you to watch this video. This is just amazing.

I am not a South Carolina Gamecocks fan. This video won't do anything to change that, because it's not relevant. What I am a fan of are surprises like this one. Every day, there are families that have to live without one of their parents being home because they are proudly serving our country overseas. These tours are long and trying for both the soldier and his/her spouse and children. I know what it's like to miss a close relative for a long period of time, and yet I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like to be surprised like this. There are several videos out there of members of our military giving their family a homecoming surprise, but something about this one seemed so much more genuine. It felt so real, yet couldn't have been scripted any better.

I appreciate that video for picking up my spirits, but also for hitting the proverbial 'refresh' button on my general outlook on life. Maybe it can do the same thing for you.


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