
New Favorite Commercial

I know I made a post not long ago of some of the funniest commercials I've been seeing lately, but I saw one the other day that blows them all away. I think this aired during the last Super Bowl, but it was out of sight/out of mind until it came on the other day and jogged my memory. If you don't find this one funny, I regret to inform you that you have no soul. That's right...you are soulless if you can't find this to be absolutely hysterical.

Kayak.com Brain Surgeon

If only all brain surgeries went exactly like this. Maybe even all surgeries in general. Then again, maybe this is the reason why people wake up with scalpels, tweezers or some other surgical instruments inside them.

Oh well, survival of the fittest, I say. Kudos, kayak. You done well.


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