
This is a test...

No, seriously...this is a test.

You should have studied...

For those of you who have been reading this on a consistent basis, every so often, just recently or for the very first time, I'm looking for your input. I don't think I'm going to object to 'suggestions' necessarily, but that's not exactly what I'm after here. If you do have some ideas that I haven't written about just yet, toss them my way. Who knows? They may get used in the near future. Here's what I am looking for, and I encourage you to leave your answers in a wall post/private message on my Facebook page (assuming you know me), a comment on this page, a text message (assuming you really know me), or some other method of communication that you come up with (I haven't perfected telekinesis, but you could try...I need the practice). Here's what I want to know:

  1. Rate this blog 1-10. I'm not expecting all 10s...nobody's perfect. I'm just damn close.
  2. List your favorite post thus far. Knowing my life, the best has yet to come.
  3. Write something you believe I would find funny, interesting, new or all of the above.
I haven't decided if I'm going to post the results (semi-anonymously, probably only using initials) in a future entry or not, but I will take each one into consideration. Whether that means you love it, I need to improve it, I should stop ranting about stupid shit all the time, or some other version of computerized, confidential, collective, constructive criticism, I'll absorb it into what I come up with as I go along.

I'll leave you with my own answers to those 3. They say you are your own worst critic...

  1. 7
  2. Stop Enabling Your Kids
  3. Today I found out there was a Nazi-themed sitcom that aired for one episode. Think I'm just blowing smoke? Here you go.
Now it's time for your input. I'm your roast...baste me. (Sounds kinky, huh?)

That's me. Go on...I'm ready...


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