
Southbound Yankee

This post could really be about two different things. The one that is more relative to pop culture is the disgraceful performance of the New York Yankees in baseball's postseason. 'Southbound' is being generous, honestly. Their collective talent went to hell with its proverbial ass on fire. A-Rod, Cano, Swisher, Granderson, Teixiera...you could have replaced these guys with Helen Keller, Christopher Reeve, Verne Troyer, Peter Dinklage and Stephen Hawking because they probably would have been more fit to compete. Considering two of them are already dead, two are midgets (little people, for the sensitive ones) and the last is practically a robot, I don't have to tell you how pathetic that is. Granted, they lost their captain to a fractured ankle in extra innings of game one, but one player rarely brings a team to victory on their shoulders alone, and this year he wouldn't have done that either. Posting their stats on here would be embarrassing to them, their fans and anyone else who has a pulse. Instead, I'll just have to swallow my pride, chalk it up as another disappointing postseason, and look forward to hockey season. Oh wait...there won't be one. Sports are really breaking my balls right now.

As for the other reason for this post, well this Yankee is headed south again. That's right...first it was from New York to Virginia. This time...South Carolina. No need to get into the exact details of why, but it's a necessary move for where my life is right now and how it needs to improve. I'm often asked why I moved down here to begin with, and it was similar in nature; it just seemed to be the right life move at the time. I think there are more reasons besides financial security and general life improvement that factor into my decision nowadays. They may not be crucial to any of you, but they certainly don't hurt my consideration:

  • The food: when I left New York, I left behind great pizza, bagels and most other baked goods in general. Those are things you really can't duplicate outside of that area. I must say it's a very reasonable trade-off, considering the seafood and barbecue down here are phenomenal. At least I know what is worth devouring in each state.
  • The cost of living: for someone living on one income only, it is not easy to make it on your own anywhere. Anything is better than New York, though. At least down here, I have a fighting chance.
  • Friends: I've had a close circle of friends since moving here, but the majority of them were the result of moving away from home and just meeting new people, whether it be in college, at work, whatever. Another move will allow me to branch out even further.
  • Women: what can I say? I love me some southern women. Sure, there are women everywhere (except men's restrooms...hopefully), but not all of them have those sweet southern accents. It may be a small luxury, but I'll take it.
It's my list, and I'm sticking to it. Needless to say, I'm excited for the near future (meaning the beginning of November). I am not psyched about the moving aspect of it, but the settling in is what I'll enjoy thoroughly. I'm going to miss this area, but I feel as though it has run its course for me. There may not be anything left for me here. The only way to find out if it's the right move or not is to go through with it.

Here goes nothing...


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