
Follow-up to "Spiritual But Not Religious"

This might not be the follow-up that many of you are expecting. I am not about to go off on a rant about the article any more than I already have. I did not receive any direct response from Mr. Miller in anticipation of him actually reading what I wrote (I didn't send it to the guy, but using his link on my page could draw his attention to the fact that I referenced it, possibly enough that he'd read it). I will not further defend any point or position I made, because I feel like I made it exceptionally clear on where I stand. Nope...there will be none of that.

Instead, I will post part of a verse from the King James Version of the Bible about how I feel about today. Before I go any further, in no way am I comparing myself to God, but rather using the verse in a manner that is to be taken humorously. If you still feel like you may have a mini panic attack because you think I'm considering myself any sort of deity, you're being stupid, but I'd suggest you refrain from reading any further.
"...and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made." - Genesis 2:2
I was rather surprised that the "he" references weren't capitalized, but that only makes it more appropriate to angle it my way. Anyway, my coworkers can sympathize with how long of a work week it had been. After completing the Christmas (that's right, Christmas...) reset, we were all quite exhausted. Then there was the post that I spent nearly all day trying to finish yesterday. I was successful in my effort, but between that and preparing for my upcoming move, I was pretty wiped out. Today...Sunday..."the seventh day"...I deserve a break, so I am resting. I did a little laundry, but other than that, I have been as unproductive as possible.

If you were hoping for some longer post today, oh well. Deal with it. I'll put more effort into it this week. Sound good?

Good. Peace out.


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