
Amazing Advertisements

I've noticed that while I spend each Sunday comfortably lounging and watching football, some rather interesting commercials have been released. There are some that are interesting because they make you wonder what sort of meth addict came up with them, some that have nothing appealing about them whatsoever, and then there are the ones that are just downright hysterical. It is fair to assume that many of these humorous commercials are also made by some meth addict, but that's beside the point. Some have been so noteworthy, that if you haven't seen them already, I am here to share them with you. If you have seen them, well go ahead and refresh your memory of their amazingness. You'll thank me for it later...or you can now and get it over with; it's your call, really.

You're welcome.

The first one is a Honda commercial. It's made exponentially funnier because I know individuals that make sounds like this in regular conversations.

The next one is from ESPN, starring Justin Tuck, defensive end for the New York Football Giants. Let's just say that antagonizing an enormous football player is not a good idea.

Staying with the football theme, We've got two gems from star wide receiver Greg Jennings of the Green Bay Packers. Both are for Old Spice...both are epic.

Now sticking with the Old Spice theme, here is a compilation of amazing commercials with Terry Crews in them. Very twisted humor coming from the fine makers of Old Spice. Maybe the 'old spice' is meth. Just a thought.

Next I have a few Messin' With Sasquatch commercials for you to enjoy. I guess that answers whether sasquatch is real or not...must be if it's in commercials now.

The last one I'll put on here is a State Farm commercial that has been on frequently this football season. It has Aaron Rodgers and B.J. Raji from the Green Bay Packers, and Raji's face is priceless.

Again...you're welcome.


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