
Remembering Newtown

What happened yesterday in Newtown, Connecticut was unfathomable. By now, everyone knows what took place, and the grizzly details are yet to come, but I'm not about to dwell on that. I withheld my previous entry that was just about ready to be submitted out of respect for the victims and their families. I didn't feel it would be right to make light of any topic, whether it was related to this tragedy in any way or not.

I could never begin to imagine how anyone affected by this horrible act is truly feeling, and I never will understand. I most certainly wish that all of these people can find peace after this. A close friend to me brought up a valid point about timing of this event: this is right before Christmas, and you have to grasp the fact that most of these families already have gifts under the tree in their houses that are meant for the children lost yesterday. That strikes so deep because that's who these holidays are for...the children.

When something like this takes place, you can only hope that some foundation, benefit, charity or any means of donation will be organized to help in any way possible. So far, there are a few I have found that are already accepting contributions, but I'm certain there will be more to come. As I find out the many ways that anyone can help, I will post them on here, because I know I will be certain to reach out however I can. Every dollar counts, and you can be sure you'll be thanked for it. For now, here's the contact information for the first few, and when I find more, I'll be sure to update as soon as possible.

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Many thoughts and prayers for those in need.


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