
Ream-ember When I Used To Write?

I started this blog over two years ago and had approximately 100 posts. I was posting on nearly an everyday basis. It kept me busy, it was a good release to get my thoughts out there to share with everyone (and by "everyone", I mean the select few that actually read this), and it made me strive for more things to write about.

Then life happened...

   1) My most recent ex didn't like that I wrote a blog. She made that explicitly clear to me, and even without a shred of a valid reason why, she nagged me to the point that it wasn't worth the aggravation of listening to her make a big deal of it anymore.
   2) My roommate decided to move back up north, which forced me into the choice of where I would live and who I would live with. Decision made: stayed down here, found a one bedroom apartment, and I chose to live alone.
   3) Although my full time job is enough to cover the living expenses (especially since I was recently promoted), I needed to take on a second job to help eliminate my debt. (See http://reaming-and-writing.blogspot.com/2012/09/crazy-btch-sessions-pt-ii.html for more on that.) This summer, I had about six or seven days off from both jobs. I was able to visit the beach (less than a mile from my apartment, by the way) three of those days. I haven't had time for car maintenance, doctor/dentist/eye appointments, or quite simply just time to relax.
   4) I found someone special to spend time with in the few instances I have said time. We both seem to make each other happy, and to her and I, that's all that matters.

These are what have prevented me from delivering my messages and telling my stories on here, but that will be changing. I've finally been given reduced hours at the second job. My lady friend and I don't always have schedules that align, so there will be free time after work every so often. I've been gathering plenty of material over the time of my absence from writing (which has now surpassed a full year, unfortunately), so there is a lot to share.

Some examples of topics you may encounter upon your visits:

   1) Grocery Self-Checkout 101
   2) Domestic Violence In Major Sports
   3) Incredible Netflix Finds
   4) Bringing Back Words & Phrases

This is just a sampling of what is to come. All I can tell you is...

...the reamer is back.


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